The Frontier Athletic Conference released its all-conference selections over the weekend. The following student athletes have been selected as All-FAC:
Girls Basketball:
Jackson - TJ Carpenter, Kenzie Davis, and Mattie Walburn
Chillicothe - Jacey Harding and Avery Erslan.
Miami - Hillery Jacobs and Jessee Stewart.
McClain - Payton Pryor. Representing Washington High School, Allie Mongold.
Hillsboro - Blake Herdman
Player of the Year: TJ Carpenter, Jackson High School
Boys Basketball:
Washington - Tanner Lemaster, John Wall, and Isiah Haithcock
Miami Trace - Andrew Guthrie and Isaiah Reisinger.
Jackson - Evan Jarvis and Boston Campbell.
Chillicothe - Tre King
Hillsboro - Bryce Parsons and Tate Davis.
Player of the Year: Tanner Lemaster, Washington High School